Welcome back to our humble little blog! Before I dive into the nitty-gritty of the financial decisions needed to achieve financial independence, I wanted to first talk about the motivations driving our desire to “retire” early. First off, it’s important to note that our idea of “retirement” deviates from the traditional sense of the term. We envision a life of purposeful pursuits and intentional choices, where work and personal passions seamlessly intertwine–a far cry from the days of golf and leisure traditionally envisioned as “retirement.” Under our conceptions of “retirement,” hard work is a necessary part of what makes up a worthwhile life.
As we welcome our first baby boy into the world, our perspective on life has undergone a profound shift. Parenthood has become a powerful catalyst for change, prompting us to reassess our priorities and focus on what truly matters—being present, loving parents. We are determined to ensure that our son grows up in an environment where he receives our unwavering attention, care, and guidance. Embracing early retirement allows us the flexibility and freedom to prioritize our roles as devoted parents above all else.
Furthermore, our desire to step away from the traditional corporate cubicle stems from a longing for a different way of living. Spending countless hours hunched over a computer screen, arguing to protect the interests of corporations, and navigating the stresses of office politics is not the lifestyle we aspire to. We yearn for a more balanced and fulfilling existence—one that allows us to wake up with the sun, savor the simple pleasures of preparing a healthy breakfast for our family, engage in regular exercise, and immerse ourselves in quality time with our son. We want to embrace the freedom to take leisurely walks, be present for our friends when they need support, and create a life where personal well-being and genuine connections take precedence.
But that does not mean we want to loll about all day. We still harbor ambitions beyond the realms of traditional work. One such aspiration (among many) is to establish a small market garden on our own property. The prospect of working with the earth, nurturing life, and providing sustenance to our community resonates deeply with our values. Financial independence and early retirement would grant us the opportunity to dedicate ourselves wholeheartedly to this endeavor, cultivating not just the land but also a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
It’s not about ceasing all productive endeavors and sitting idly by. Rather, it’s about crafting a life where work and personal passions blend harmoniously.
With that important aside addressed, our next posts can delve into the practical strategies, insights, and challenges associated with achieving financial independence and early retirement.