One of the common threads between “blue zones” – regions where people live significantly longer than average – is regular, low-intensity movement integrated into daily life. When I mention my plan to become a farmer, I often hear that it’s a hard life and unsustainable in old age. However, the opposite is true. The real threat to longevity is a sedentary lifestyle.
In blue zones, people don’t hit the gym for an hour a day; instead, they move naturally throughout their routines. Gardening, in particular, is a common activity that connects every studied blue zone. It involves constant, moderate physical activity and gets you outside, engaging with nature. This not only promotes physical health but also mental well-being.
While I can supplement my income by working occasionally on my computer as a lawyer, the motivation goes beyond money. It’s about crafting a daily lifestyle that promotes the healthiest and happiest life for me. Even if my passions evolve beyond market gardening, this principle will guide my choices.
For me, market gardening is more than a hobby or profession; it’s a key to a long, healthy life. So, find something that gets you outside and keeps you moving. It’s not the hard work that will wear you down; it’s the lack of it. Embrace movement as a daily habit, and you might just find yourself living longer and happier.